

What a sweet time to take pictures of this sweet girl that I have known since she was a toddler. She is a beautiful woman, inside and out and I am blessed to still have her in my life. 



Oh, the Lubbock wind. Kate and I had a hard time getting together because its seems like everyday the winds are vicious and the sky is brown. Ugh. We finally got together and I must say, spending an afternoon with miss kate was delightful! She is be-au-ti-ful and so natural in front of a camera, so it was fun to just shoot away!


john and melissa

Oh, John and Melissa. I just love this couple. Getting to know them over the past year has been such a blessing. Fun story- they met in fifth grade when John decided to point out that Melissa had buck teeth...smooth, real smooth. They have been dating since high school and you can totally see their love for each other and their love for life shining through in these photos...so onto the goodness:
I love this next sequence that happened in a matter of seconds!


evelyn kate

Sweet Evie did SO good at her newborn shoot! She is such a chill baby and let me just take as many pictures as I pleased. Seriously she has been such a blessing to our family and we could not love her more!
...and I LOVE these ones with the big sisters!


the maneys

This photo session was a milestone for me because it was my first completely random, just contacted me on the internet clients. Sarah is a friend of a friend, but still someone I had never met. I can't tell you how nervous I was! The Maney family was the perfect first "stranger" session because they were kind, easy to talk to and we had some fun!
I had to throw this little sequence in here...I love his face in the first one! SO not amused...


the loudders

I am a bit slow in posting these (as noted by the red leaves still on the trees) but here are the Loudders, none the less! I love this family and how we have been able to watch their girls grow up. I remember when they were my girls ages...does it really go by that fast?!  Anway- Here are the Loudders: